Lat: 10:09.5 S : Long: 123:34.5 E. - 24th September, 201 3 - Welcome party, Kupang

Sulana's Voyage
Alan and Sue Brook
Sat 1 Feb 2014 19:53
Lat: 10:09.5 S : Long: 123:34.5 E. 24th September, 2013 – Welcome party,
Kupang The local yacht club served as the Oyster office and also put on a
generous welcome party for us where we were able to sample the local delicacies
and enjoy some traditional entertainment as well as not-so-traditional such as a
girl of about ten years or so, dressed up and performing as if on Britain’s Got
Talent! A band in the latter half of the evening managed to get most of the
fleet dancing. They were even happy to share the limelight with Thomas from
“Satika”, who is never happier than when belting out 60’s favourites on his
guitar, while Geoff and Sue from “Spent” revealed their joint vocal
talents. |