Lat: 12:26.9 S : Long: 130:51.1 E. - 12th-17th September , 2013 - Sulana's spruce up in Tipperary Waters Marina , Darwin

Sulana's Voyage
Alan and Sue Brook
Sat 1 Feb 2014 19:37
Lat: 12:26.9 S : Long: 130:51.1 E. 12th-17th September, 2013 – Sulana’s spruce
up in Tipperary Waters Marina, Darwin Will and Alan were kept busy with maintenance and repair work while
I explored the town and sorted out the provisioning. Considering Darwin is a
major city it was surprisingly small and very “provincial” feeling. The main
thing we’ll remember it for was the heat – absolutely searing! That is not to
say however, that we didn’t enjoy our tour of the Mary River Wetlands and
Corroboree Billabong. It was teeming with wildlife and the water-lilies were
beautiful. We also caught sight of a few “salties” stretched out basking on the
mud banks. |