52:16.25N 09:51.72W Relaxing in Finit

Rob Packham
Sun 29 Jun 2008 15:05
We have now been in Finit Marina, Tralee Bay north of Dingle Peninsula for 5 nights!
We tried to get south to Valentia yesterday and bashed against a 5/6 on the nose for the 25 miles to the headland but after 3 hours decided enough was enough. Ruffian were with us and also came back. Pete on Ruffian cooked an good meal last night and Jen is doing the same tonight.
Synoptic charts, GRIB files and the local weather all say strong South or West airflows until Wednesday with a bit of a gale coming through Mon/Tuesday so we wait and see - read, sleep, eat and relax - holiday time but a change of location would be good.