Lewisporte Yacht Club Marina

Lewisporte Yacht Club Marina Thursday 11th August 2016 The Pot Luck dinner on Sunday was excellent and Anne got great praise for her offering, Later as darkness fell there was a Parade of Sail with beautifully lit boats followed by a very good fireworks display. The following day, Monday, was Lewisporte Day and a holiday with shops and business closed. Charlie Kavanagh arrived on Tuesday and son Paul on Wednesday he having survived a 9 hour bus journey and three buses that broke down. Immediately after Paul arrived we had a Screeching in Ceremony in the Club performed by Jeff Chaulk to make us honorary Newfoundlanders. Afterwards, at 19.00, we went to theatre at dinner in the Lewisporte Heritage Center to a performance of Blind Faith which was part of the Hann’s Point Theatre Festival. In 1914 NL had a population of 240,000, what was divided by class and religion. Despite the odds, they were able to put together “The Newfoundland Regiment” which went on to distinguish itself in the First World War. We all enjoyed the dinner and the performance. Final provisioning is now being done and I plan to leave for Baltimore at noon today. |