Brooklyn to Prospect Bay

Brooklyn to Prospect Bay Monday 4th July 2016 44:30.211 N 63:46.753 W Distance sailed 85 miles This evening Shelduck is anchored on the west side of the north tip of Purcell Island in Prospect Bay. On first entering the bay this morning I looked into Rogue’s Roost which the Cruising Guide to the Nova Scotia Coast considers one of the most beautiful of anchorages in Nova Scotia. It is tight so we pressed on up the bay to where our Rocna anchor would be more comfortable, in mud. Many Canadians we have met say Nova Scotia is like Ireland but we think it is much more like Scandinavia. We are getting to know people here by meeting them in their yacht clubs so on Friday July 1st, Canada Day, Shelduck sailed from Brooklyn up the LaHave River to the LaHave Yacht Club. Here Anne and I joined members to celebrate their national day with a barbeque on the front lawn. We met George Pike of the Fisheries Museum Lunenburg who arranged a berth there, in the town centre for Shelduck. Next day with rain forecast we decided to stay put and were visited by club member Noel Murphy. Noel was born in Cobh and was keen for news of his home place. He kindly offered to drive us around the local area for the afternoon which Anne and I enjoyed. On Sunday the passage to Lunenburg was very fresh and we left early to arrive at noon when George was available to help us at the dock. Shelduck had the first use of her new fender board purchased in Maine. George had advised I berth in the lee of the trawler Cape Sable for protection from the strong wind and what good advice that was in the conditions. We could not have come alongside without his help. He also brought an extra fender board for us to protect Shelduck, thank you George. Cape Sable, which gave great protection, was built in 1962 and fished until 1982. It is now one of the museum exhibits. Lunenburg is a most beautiful town and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was founded in 1753 by mainly German-speaking Lutherans with a strong work ethic who survived then thrived moving from the fields to the sea. Streetscapes are stunning and the architecture captures the story of changing times. |