St.John New Brunswick to Westport Nova Scotia

St.John New Brunswick to Westport Nova Scotia Thursday 23rd June 2016. 44:15.862 N 66:20.902 W Distance sailed 72 miles. Shelduck departed the RKYC in darkness for the one hour passage to the Reversing Falls where exit to the harbour could be made at 04.35. She then cleared St John Harbour at 05.15 doing 6.5 knots on the ebb. The sail to Westport soon turned into a long beat and a total passage time of nearly sixteen hours. Westport is situated on Brier Island the outermost of the islands which extend southwesterly from Digby Neck. It is separated from adjacent Long Island by a straight known as Grand Passage. The tide runs at not less than 5 knots, sometimes more, through this passage. Westport is also notable as having been the boyhood home of Captain Josua Slocum. On entering this fully protected harbour at 19.00 Shelduck tied to a ferry which itself was tied outside a fishing boat where we had an undisturbed night. |