Re: Atlantic crossing Day 7 24th Nov 21 deg 19'N 028 deg 09'W

Chris & Sally Longstaff
Fri 24 Nov 2006 12:31
----- Original Message -----
From: moondance
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 12:37 PM
Subject: Atlantic crossing Day 7 24th Nov 21 deg 19'N 028 deg 09'W

We passed the Tropic of Cancer yesterday and celebrated with a party.Caribbean dress and rum punches enjoyed by us all. 


 We really feel that we are well on our way and have the waypoint 20/30 on the chart plotter and are hoping to get there tomorrow,and then the trades. The weather is quite different now,much hotter and settled.  Yesterday we were tearing along,surfing on the rollers at about 6 plus knots but today is much calmer and we have spent most of the day coasting along under the Twizzle rig doing 3 1/2knots in about 5 or 6 knots of wind listening to Leamington Classics.We have now put the engine on for an hour or two to help us along.

The last couple of nights have been clear but very dark.Last night we saw a sliver of a moon for the first time but the stars are fantastic,just so beautiful to look at and on my night watch I spend most of my time looking upwards.  That is if I’m not watching the phosphorescence that is sparkling from the bow.

We have also noticed flying fish skimmimg across the waves. I didn’t realise how far they could travel, now I see how they can land on the deck at night.

This is all as good as I hope it sounds,beautiful blue skies, deep blue seas and a happy ship.

However Sally and I would REALLY like to be able to wash our hair.

Sally D