Cane Garden Bay. Tortola BVI

Harry Watson Smith
Tue 5 Mar 2013 07:57
Malua is at 18:25.86N 64:39.49W at Cane Garden on 5/03/2013
The island of Tortola has by far the best anchorages of all the islands in the BVI. No matter from which direction the wind blows one can sail to a beautiful anchorage. Cane Garden must rank in the top three BUT if you read the small print in the cruising guide it will warn you about the northerly swell. If you see the boys surfing off the point leave the bay immediately. Great who surfs at night? Malua and Jack Tar had on this occasion moored on the shore side of the mooring field. The wind was off the land and we both had sufficient swing room and what's more a good strong WiFi signal. The first night was great and most of the second but I woke at 3:00 am to find the wind had come up from off the sea and both boats had swung round onto the lee shore. I was concerned but not worried until I saw some navigation lights appear out of the rain coming in through the dangerous channel entrance. They let comment and to my horror the yacht turned into the wind between Jack Tar and Malua and was about to anchor when I let out an almighty shout. You can't anchor there. My voice woke Pedro and he'd added his concerns to the circling yacht. He came between Malua and the beach. Heaven knows how he did not go aground. I suggested he pick up a mooring buoy but no he dropped his anchor some way down the beach. When the boat settled the surf was just off his stern so he up his anchor and started to circle again finally coming to rest in the middle of the mooring balls. I was back to bed in an attempt to sleep but no sleep came as the swell built at the point. Soon after dawn I was up but Jack Tar beat me out of the anchorage. It was raining, the wind was blowing on shore so while the waves where big at the point there was not a surfer in sight. Was that a magical moment? Sent from my ASUS Pad