Atlantic Crossing - Day 3

Harry Watson Smith
Fri 23 Nov 2012 11:11
Malua is at 24:14.6N 20:57.7W at 0600 GMT on 23/11/2012
Today was a good day: for settling into the cruising routine. The
wind was from the aft and the seas were relatively flat, however at lunch
(bean,tomatoes and tuna salad) the swell increased to almost the size of those
we saw in the southern ocean. Fortunately it did not last and the wind did
not increase from about 12 knots we had had all day. The sky was clear and
we settled down to some reading when the first rod started to go off.
Piers had a fish on the line. After a bit of a struggle he landed a nice
size dolphin fish which was duely dispatched and cut up into steak size
pieces. We had hardly reset the lines when my rode screamed and again we
had another fish. This time a wahi wahi which as always lost its beautiful
colour right before your eyes as you bring it on board. A kodak moment and
we recorded the event.
At sun set, the weather had not changed but the swell was dropping and it
looked as if we would have a good night although the wind was swinging putting
us on a 270 westerly course well before we wanted to go west. We contacted
via VHF a yacht which passed directly ahead – no AIS. They are on the way
to the Verdes and had also caught some fish.
Dinner was a stir fry with cabbage and some meat from Morocco. A
change from the pre-prepared stews.
A magical moment on Malua