The BVI Channel Islands Cooper Island

Harry Watson Smith
Thu 28 Feb 2013 15:51
Malua is at 18:23.133N 64:30.84W on 28/02/2013 on Cooper Island. Manchioneel Bay.
After my adventure at The Bath I was a bit subdued furthermore my left eye seemed to have something in it or may be while scrambling on the boulders I had got some of the juice of the Manchineel tree which is very poisons. There was a black shape foaling along with many tiny bubbles. YouNevaKnow had picked up a mooring ball so I dropped my anchor astern of them and let out the usual 40 m of chain. It held fast and I was some distance off if the wind maintained its direction. We both went ashore and had a drink in the bar along with Jack Tar who arrived later announcing there plans to all at the bar because the speaker system was connected to the vhf CH 16. It was a very pleasant evening and we all retired to our vessels. The wind had by this time completely dropped off. Malua and the large cat YouNevaKnow were dancing with each other but not coming close enough for me to get concerned although I do think there was some concern on their boat. We spend a very quiet night with the two boats close but not touching. I had to go over the following morning to apologise for not moving the previous evening. Not a great show of seamanship. I dived at Cistern Point which is sup post to be a great spot but I found it rather ordinary. I also investigated the cost of diving on the wreck of the Rhone - 80 bucks for a single dive plus hire of equipment. Well I will snorkel over it and see if I will return for a dive. A magical moment on Malua Sent from my ASUS Pad