On arrival in Rabat

Harry Watson Smith
Fri 12 Oct 2012 06:53
After almost four days of flat seas - and I mean flat like a mill pond Malua arrived off the Regreg river mouth and Rabat. We had covered the 510 nm almost all the way using the engine and slowed to arrive at sunrise. Unfortunatly the tide only reached high at noon so we had to wait off the bar for three hour to get sufficient water to cross. The marina when contacted on ch 10 sent a boat out to lead us in. On a 3.1m tide we only recorded 2.9 under our 2m keel right at the entrance of the second set of break-walls. We proceeded up the river and tied to the customs dock. Two French and English speaking official in smart suits and leather sole shoes came aboard and got us to fill out the many forms required. The drug squad arrived with the sniffer dog who did a cursory smell of the deck and down below. After that we were free to go. I visited the office and again filled out forms and was given a wifi password - an essential element of informed cruising.
Today start the land travel.
A magical moment on Malua