Waiting for the wind

Harry Watson Smith
Thu 27 Sep 2012 12:36
We left the Straits of Gibraltar with little wind but it increased from the west, since that day we have had wind with a westerly component in them which in sailing terms if you are going westwards is on the nose. Now gentlemen only sail down wind but there again men of leisure have lots of time on their hands. We on Malua want to cover the ground and get to new destinations so waiting for the wind to come from behind is not really an option. We either beat into the wind like yesterday when we covered 60 nm to travel only 35 nm along the coast or motor which is not what we do.
We are almost at the corner of southern Portugal where the coast turns north towards Lisbon. The forecast for the next week is northerly winds with a few days above 15 knots so again we would have to beat into the wind to make Lisbon.
So if the wind wont come to Malua, we change destinations. We are off to Madeira. It is about a three day sail south and with the winds from the north we will have them behind us in true gentlemanly style. The cruising guide speaks highly of the island so we hope to have a few days on the island before heading east to Rabat in Morocco. Now which way will the winds blow for that passage? It doesn’t look good but we can only hope. We may even have to change destinations again and work our way up the coast in short hops.