
Harry Watson Smith
Wed 5 Sep 2012 14:30
Malua is now at 36:32.470N 04:37.007W at Fuengirola on 5 /9/2012
Peter Lee flew in from New Zealand via Amsterdam to join Malua as crew for
the Atlantic crossing. He had responded to a crew wanted ad I had placed
on a web site. He match the criteria I had set perfectly and we had
corresponded since February. In Jult we met in the UK while he was touring
with his wife in Europe and the USA. Having cruised along the east
Australian coast and sailed extensively in New Zealand todays cruise down the
Spanish coast went off very well indeed. Very little instruction and we
worked as a team.
We left Caleta de Velez mid morning and set a course along the coast.
I had installed the replacement AIS so we were well informed as to the shipping
traffic along the coast. I can see great value in that piece of
equipment. We passed Torrimilinos and the vast building populated I
understand by foreigners. Just after lunch we motored into the harbour of
Fuengirola and stoped at the waiting berth before being allocated a berth along
side a cruising British yacht. Tonight we are off to sample the tapas of
the local pubs.
A magical moment on Malua. |