
Harry Watson Smith
Fri 7 Sep 2012 14:04
Yesterday we were in Fuengirola and went to a bull fight at the new Plaza de Toros in Torrimalinos. It was quite an experience which I wont repeat but had to see especially after reading Death in the Afternoon. I think the old days glorified the bull and the matador but today it is so controlled and scripted that the bull time will eventually come although one of the bull got a reprieve and walked out the arena for being brave and keeping his head up. The judge first put a green then an orange handkerchief over his balcony and the Matador stopped, the gate opened and the bull galloped out of the ring. The other five bulls dropped dead in front of the Matador.
Today we left the marina and motored down the coast to a smaller town and marina as the next step towards Gibraltar.
A magical moment on Malua