Guadeloupe The Carnival is over - was that a carnival?

Harry Watson Smith
Mon 11 Feb 2013 18:24
Malua has been here for a week waiting for the much acclaimed carnival. It has been on the radio, on bill boards and in every handout from the tourist information. Shops have carnival promotions - two chicken with one bottle of rum. It all takes place before Lent - Ash Wednesday. When things get back to normal of just having fun.
The final in Porte-a-Pietre was yesterday Sunday down a route that included the main street. A group of cruisers gathered at the fish market and left our dinghys- safety in numbers and proceeded to a good vantage point to see the parade due to start at 1300. Well being local time it was at least a hour later before we saw the first drum. We then stood and watched a hap hazed parade of people in fancy dress walking along, stopping on occasions to do some random routine to the beat of many drums - not all in time. Not a great event and not worth waiting three days to see.
Malua will sail north tomorrow.
A magical moment on Malua