In the Beginning...

John Anderson
Fri 3 Jun 2016 11:45
Dear All,
You will no doubt be pleased to hear that, so far, we are still alive (: somewhere in the atlantic, 55:54.93N 9:7.47W (50 miles Northwest by north from Northern Ireland).
Leaving Loch Creran on the 1st we saw seals and some porpoises as usual. The then hit an area of little wind as we rounded the southern end of Mull. We got out from Mull’s shadow midway through yesterday and had good wind from there. After a 2 1/2 hour faff getting the storm jib up, we ran well through a little gale last night. The wind however has now died, which is unfortunate, however has given us the opportunity to send this off.
Alas that most dastardly of foes, sea sickness, has us firmly in his grips. We just hope that the nausea won’t last too muh longer. Till then we’ll just keep taking the tablets and watching that horizon.
Hope all are well