Guardian Spirit
Dave and Elaine
Tue 30 Mar 2010 12:36
Position at noon today 13:48.4N
38:59.9W The last 24 hour run we clocked up 151 nautical miles, our best
run yet. Done 889 n miles since Cape Verde. Rough seas again last night
but we both managed to get some sleep. Only seen a couple of birds out
here and some tiny, tiny flying fish that aren't much bigger than a dragonfly,
they're amazing especially when 100 all leap out together, then we see the
bigger silver fish leap out after them. Lost 2 lures now and the last one
I made on a metal line, whatever it was just bit straight through. We only
want one big enough for dinner!
Just about to eat my last banana!
Hope all are well and looking forward to
Easter. |