Sunday 24 January 2010

Guardian Spirit
Dave and Elaine
Sun 24 Jan 2010 13:30
27:28.6'N 15:59.09'W
After provisioning with enough food to feed the starving in 2 continents, and a good forecast, we left Puerto Calero for our Atlantic Crossing.  However, we were about 5 hours out when the wind picked up to gale force 8 and the seas were 4 to 5 metres high coming at us from 2 different directions, really knocking us about.  We couldn't eat and could only drink water from a bottle.  We were getting thrown about and decided to turn round when we could.  Unfortunately conditions worsened, the sail ripped open and ripped out the guardrail, also the topping lift shackle broke.  We arrived in Puerto Mogan at 1.30pm