The Argarve

Sat 16 Sep 2006 11:52
We have a few photos to catch up with from the previous log entry. The one below shows Tim torn between loyalties as he prepares to jump ship in Nazare.  Quite sensibly he chose to meet Isabel in Seville!  The consequences of failing to make that rendezvous are too painful to contemplate....
Should I go or should I stay....
And come to think of it, he did seem to have a spring in his step as he walked to the bus a few moments later!
As we sailed off for Cascais, we finally managed to get the new genoa up and running.  Keen followers of the log will notice that the colours match the new spinnaker.  Really, really keen observers may note that both match the sails on my Seaview dinghy. (How sad is that!)
The latest downwind powerhouse!
We were given a lovely berth in the excellent marina at Cascais - it was a struggle to leave it in the pouring rain.
But we had a new crew member to pick up in Lagos and a tight schedule to make it to the Canaries before various deadlines kick in....