Hard at Work...

DecaDance's Web Diary
Chris White and Jeanna Coleman
Mon 10 Jan 2011 12:33
Position: 28:51.43N 013:49.01W
- Marina Rubicon, Lanzarote
Chris has been designated galley wench for the last
two nights as I've abandoned the stove and slaved over a hot laptop
I've never pictured myself as a marketing guru
before, and judging by the amount of business we've got to date - none - I won't
be doing so in the future. Trying to market our yacht charters is
frustrating because my computer skills aren't quite up to the job,
although by Chris's admission, if he was to do it it would be handwritten
leaflets sent by carrier pigeon. Anyway,
the website's updated now up until the middle of May, and I have a slight
reprieve as I can't do much else until we work out where we're going after the
Balearics, and we need some Mediterranean pilot books to
do that.
Whilst I'm sat here typing, Chris is removing the
mainsail as it's being taken for repairs tomorrow morning. Assuming all
goes well with the repairs we'll be leaving here in a couple of days and making
our way to Fuerteventura, then Gran Canaria and finally to Tenerife to pick up
Nigel and Gill on the 2nd of February. I can't wait to see them, and I'm
looking forward to showing them the boat as it's finally looking
homely, with all our ornaments and books set out nicely. She's looking
pretty swish from the outside too, and I'm amazed at how much 'yacht envy' she
attracts, even from fellow yacht owners passing our pontoon. Yesterday I
spotted a guy taking snapshots of her.
Whilst unearthing our ornaments we found the Spanish language
tutorial so we're going to give that a go over the coming months. The
harbour staff dropped off a marina Rubicon calendar the other evening so we now
know January is Enero, and by Christmas we should have at least 12 words under
our belt! My favourite Spanish word so far is zanahoria, which means
carrot. On that note, I'd better go give Chris a hand, I think I might
have had too much sun... |