Good the be away from the dock.

Concerto's Azab Blog
George Isted
Sat 4 Jun 2011 20:32
49:51.9N 005:12.0W
Great day for both spectators and the racers however by the start of the
Class 1’s the wind was getting a little feeble.
Pleased to say that Concerto was first across the start line with Carolina
not far behind. Most of the fleet tacked off to the East while COncerto
stayed on the west side of Falmouth entrance and it seemed to pay as we made
some distance between us an the rest of the class 1’s, we also went past a
couple of Class 2s.
Pizza for dinner (yum), followed by checking my weather from Simon at SWIS
and the Gribs, then the watch system starts.
Great to finally be away and doing the race rather than thinking about
it. If I have forgotten anything then I guess I don’t need it.
Had a bit of an issue with the AIS transponder not transmitting but having
remade the antenna connection it seems to be fine now.
Best wishes, George Mark on Concerto