BooTiger Log Monday 4/12/2006

Boo Tiger
Ruth Elliott-Smith
Tue 5 Dec 2006 12:53
Amy & Clare write:
We are 76th! Not bad out of 232 boats but we want to be top 10 at least! We
just want to get there ads fast as possible really.
Amy has finally found a book with a plot which has kept her occupied for a
while. Duncan has decided to take the boat off autohelm which has kept him
occupied for a while. Georgia is cleaning 7 dead fish off the deck which has
kept her occupied for a while. Clare has scrubbed the decks and added up for
the millionth time how long it will be before we get to land which has kept
her occupied for a while.
Chicken tonight and flying fish for pudding - not really. We don't like
Zara - Duncan says can you to tell everyone the name of the boat as he forgot!