
Sat 17 Sep 2016 19:38
Owen is based at HMS Sultan, just a couple of miles up the road from the marina, he, and three of his ex-Dartmouth friends/colleagues joined us for what turned out to be a long boosey, supper aboard Bliss.
Wednesday started for me with a run out to Stokes Bay for a swim, another little section of the Coastal Path. We then spent the day as tourists visiting some of the various Naval attractions, including the Submarine Museum (had to be done), and HMS Victory. We invested in tickets that are valid for a year, so we'll have to return to Portsmouth, not necessarily by boat!
HMS Victory is amazing, although she's now almost 250 years old and requires ongoing work to preserve her; the top section of her masts have been temporarily removed whilst her hull is reinforced, she retains her awesomeness .
HMS Alliance
Two nights in Portsmouth, then on Thursday, after cycling out for a swim swim at Stokes Bay, we left at 11.30 for Brighton, 40 miles east. A good sail, the tide with us after we rounded Selsey Bill. Brighton has a funny old marina, not pretty or elegant in any way and just far enough away from all the interesting bits of the town to deter an evening wander. But....I am ever grateful for it being exactly where it is, requiring no diversion from your route, accessible at all states of the tide, providing shelter from whatever Mother Nature is challenging you with. It is a safe haven. Having taken Bliss off the pontoon in Portsmouth, out of the river and across the main channel, it seemed a good time to practice my parking technique too, it's much more tricky than parking a car with tide and wind to be considered. I had plenty of room and aligned her perfectly, letting the tide nudge her alongside with a bit more of a bump than I'd expected, but nothing alarming. Chris went up to the office to pay and shower, I stayed aboard, 5.30 start on Friday.