
Fri 20 May 2016 06:53
Hell's Bells it's windy! And lashing down! Forecast spot-on today, we're even more grateful to be attached to a robust mooring by two lines. Though Bliss is far from lying peacefully, she's swinging constantly through 180 degrees, every glance out of the window gives you a different view! Sometimes the far shore, sometimes the pub, which is tantalisingly close but a journey which is very unlikely to happen today! Oh, for a pontoon to step off the boat onto!!
Never mind, we're snug and have plenty of supplies to keep us fuelled, heating, and we ran the engine for a bit to heat water for showers. No Internet, which is frustrating as trying to research our plans for onward travel would be so much easier, but we have plenty of reading material, unfortunately, it all seems to come with a note, "for further information, see www.visitscotland......helpful!