Amble- puffins!

Fri 22 Apr 2016 11:23
We arrived in Amble (55:20.37N, 01:34.25W) yesterday afternoon from Blyth, a short 14 mile hop, and conditions were looking promising for a fine-reach with breeze fresh enough to put a reef in the mainsail.
Wind came round on the nose and at 20ish knots we weren't really making any progress, so the motor went on and we arrived at the top of the tide.
Coquet Island is just off Amble, a wild-life haven for birds and seals and we saw puffins, lots of them! And a multitude of other sea-birds, it was teeming, fantastic.
Amble is a lovely harbour, with excellent facilities and so many beautiful walks and nearby stuff to explore, just as well as we're going to be here for a few days. The wind continues to blow from the north and is going to be stronger, up to gale-force. So we'll sit it out in this delightful village.
Our biggest problem is understanding the locals! Some have such strong accents we can't even guess what they're saying. Yesterday Chris had to radio through to get permission to exit Blyth Harbour , having asked the Harbour Master to repeat herself twice he made the assumption, from the tone of her voice that it was OK. It was!