4 a.m.

Thu 14 Apr 2016 07:20
We had an early start, 4.45, to get best of light and tide, unfortunately no win, down from today, which at least means flat calm sea and a comfortable passage, we had a very relaxed day reading and wildlife spotting; 14 seals and 4 porpoises! It got quite warm down to just 3 layers and, of course, plenty of sun screen. Had a magical half hour with all 3 of us sitting on the starboard deck watching the sunset. Then as we couldn't get a radio station Joe played music from his phone and we had a dance in the cockpit before supper. So all in all, a fab day, but I'm so pleased this is the only night sail we have planned, and I must say. Joe Cook has been a complete star, cool headed and sensible, totally reliable, very proud. OK winds now getting up, time to hook on. Xx
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