Plymouth and Salcombe

Thu 1 Sep 2016 12:29
We had about 20 miles to cover on Sunday to Plymouth, Devon! A beautiful day and steady breeze made for a rather perfect sail.
A medic friend of Chris's, Will Harris, lives in Somerset and was going to join us for a night or two. He parked his car at Totnes, caught a train to Plymouth and joined us aboard.
On Monday morning, with an extra pair of hands on board I was able to practice manoeuvring Bliss out of the marina, something I don't often get a chance to do with just two of us aboard.
I took her out of the busy Plymouth Harbour where we found enough space to hoist the sails for another blissful day's sailing round to Salcombe.
It was Bank Holiday Monday, beautifully warm, Salcombe was heaving with people and boats; pleasure craft of every description. We were met by a harbour official and directed to a visitor's mooring which had just become available, probably the only one left, soon joined by another yacht rafted up beside us. We took the dinghy ashore, or at least to the dinghy parking area, which turned out to be a temporary pontoon from where you can get ferried onto the shore, there just isn't enough shore-line space for all the dinghies!
We walked out of town back towards the mouth of the river to Starehole Bay, an undulating path with incredible a rock formations.
When we reached the bay we scrambled down to a tiny cove for a swim
There was even a little waterfall providing fresh water to rinse off afterwards.
Tuesday was a bit grey initially, it didn't stop our pre-breakfast swim, although we were told off for swimming in the harbour, reasonable enough considering how congested it was. I decided to have a run before it got too warm, and the men weren't going to miss out, joined me. We took the dinghy ashore to the beach, this time we chose the east shore, opposite side of the river to the town, ran along the heavy sand along the beach and then towards the headland, managed by the National Trust, we chose a loop taking us out to Garra Rock, starting with a one mile climb, it was in woodland so at least was shaded, then out to the coast and the final couple of miles undulated along the coast back to the was fantastic, and finally a sneaky dip off the back of the boat to try to restore normal body temperature! Shower then breakfast, there is no better way to start a day.
Owen was joining us for a few days and Will, who had taken to life at sea rather well, suggested to his son, Sam that he should join us too, Sam has applied to become a Naval Marine Officer, he and Owen would have lots to talk about. So Sam drove down from Somerset, picked Owen up at Totnes station, drove to Kingsbridge, meanwhile we took Bliss up river, as far as we dared considering state of tide, then, the final leg, Chris picked the lads up from Kingsbridge in the dinghy. It took Owen approx 20 seconds from coming aboard Bliss to diving into the river from the coach-roof, after a long hot journey it was just what the doctors ordered. Sam followed and then the men, not wanting to miss out also took the plunge. No problems swimming in this bit of the river, we had it almost to ourselves.
End of the road...
Mucking about on the river, Will and Sam cool off