Lymington to Newtown via the Needles

Fri 16 Sep 2016 10:43
The Needles, in perfect conditions they are very photogenic
We moored in Newtown River on the Isle of Wight, in Roman times a huge thriving port, now run by the National Trust as a wildlife haven and is mostly inhabited by birds and boats.
We picked up a visitor's mooring, not many boats on a Monday evening, apparently is was crammed full over the weekend, it was a beautiful spot on a beautiful evening. This would probably be our last night anywhere remotely remote, and we were glad to have such a perfect, still evening to enjoy it.
Newtown River
Tuesday morning was glorious, and so started with a swim off the back of Bliss, the water doesn't feel cold at all at this time of the year, a bit different to the near-freezing water in Scotland back in May!
We struggled to reach even four knots against the wind and tide on our way to Portsmouth, and so were glad of the distraction and excitement of seeing Sir Ben Ainslie's America's Cup yacht out on the water being put through paces, we got in quite close while the team changed the mainsail.