
Wed 18 May 2016 16:10
Cuillin Hills
We've reached Skye, Wowee!
The forecast of very light south-westererly, going round to easterly wasn't entirely accurate. We had Northerly force 4, on the nose and had to motor all the way to the loch entrance, then as we turned south we cut the engine and gently sailed the 4 miles to Carbost with just the genoa. The slow progress wasn't a problem as we had warm weather and fantastic scenery to enjoy all the way. The West Skye cliffs are dramatic, reaching 200 metres in places, seemingly vertical with water tumbling down to the sea. A little further away the Cuillin Hills, jagged, dark, foreboding. We are so privileged to be able to see this amazing scenery from the viewpoint of the sea, to get close enough to sense the enormity, the wildness and the beauty of these isles.
Picked up a mooring in Carbost, the moorings here are maintained by the pub, The Old Inn, and operate on a first come first served basis. We were somewhat relieved to find only one of the five moorings occupied, the alternative would have been anchoring and with high winds forecast it would have been absolutely terrifying, I can't imagine either of us would have got any sleep with the realistic prospect of a dragging anchor.
We went ashore, just 100 metres in the dinghy to the little stoney beach below the pub. A buzzy little local, real ale, great menu, intermittent wifi. A walk took us past the Talisker distillery and up the hill to a pretty waterfall with a pool that Chris was sizing up for a swim sometime. This river is the source of the special and distinctive water used for the Talisker whisky.
A sign beside the road points to the Skye-Walker Bunk House, apparently it does have Star Wars theme!
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