At Blackpoint Bahamas

Amazing Grace
John and Julie
Tue 8 Mar 2011 16:16
How true that is and we should all suscribe to it as far as our lives are concerned
We also made a return visit to Gethsemane Baptist Church and John told them he had a message for them. They had opened the service reading Psalm 24 and John told them of the Scottish islands which were very similar to their island i shape but with as many grey days and rain as they had sun. He told them of the fact they prayed for revival and it didnt happen and they used Psalm 24 as their guide. However, the Lord spoke to them and told them they should have clean hands and a pure heart if they wanted revival. Once they accepted this and laid on their faces , the revival happened. The lady who was about to give the sermon in Gethsemane church was energised by Johns words and in her sermon she kept repeating the fact we must have clean hands and a pure heart. They were very grateful to John and thankful for his words. They also said they will pray for us continually which is a great comfort.
John went up the mast and took some pictures of the boat - just look at the water.