Veg Disaster and Strong Wind in the night

Worthy Sailing Mojo
Paul Worthington
Wed 22 Nov 2023 18:19
22:50.18N 19:26.40W
Tuesday good days sailing, fair speed and spotted butterfly and a few dolphins. Wind on the beam and had trade wind sail up to get a move on, when wind died a bit later we went to Main and Jib.
Techy guys managed to get the Hydovane to work so we could sit back and enjoy the ride. Well done manual readers and testers (Paul and Colin). Wind picked up in the night to just under 20 knots so booming along at 8.5 knots.
 Morning came with sunshine and no other sails in sight. Today exciting events, crossed the Tropic of Cancer and all showered as smelling a bit high. Wind not so strong so motored a bit. 2 lots of washing done, dried and ironed, oops, meant folded away. Captain Paul did a sextant reading and we are off the coast of Mauritania, Senegal tomorrow. Spotted a single seabird, another moth and a pod of dolphins, firstly mistaken as whales as moving very slowly.
Nearly forgot, last nights fantastic chicken stew with carrots by chef of the night..Colin. All carrots suffering from sunburn so many  had to be put down,(or more correctly thrown overboard) difference of opinion on what constituted keepers/users!! Still no fish but Hydrovane managed to catch a black binbag which changed its attitude a bit! Mouldy lemons also needed to undergo minor skin operations and Paul discovered hitchhiking flies in with the leeks, so cut them up for later use (leeks not flies) and waste thrown to the Wales, which we haven't seen yet. Gin and Tonic time, so signing off
 Sir Alec Rose.