Play it again Sam.

Worthy Sailing Mojo
Paul Worthington
Tue 24 Oct 2023 10:28
34:31.52N 7:59.13W
Han here reporting from Mojo.  Sleeping for a few hours at a time through choppy conditions is a new experience but one I seem to quite enjoy!  Sitting up and trying to get dressed on Monday morning however was done as quickly as possible as I could feel myself going greener by the second.  On dashing up to deck I had a wave of sweat and nausea come over me but luckily it lasted for only about 5 minutes and as long as I don't hang out in the galley for too long I'm fine.  Conveniently Matt is excellent in the galley!  Poor Adey however, has been hit hard.  After just over 24 hours he's managing to keep some food down again. (please note I have the correct spelling of Adey!)
The day consisted of a few frustrating hours trying to catch a wind in the right direction so a lot of tacking and the distance to destination did not really decrease for many hours.  Later on there after being hit hard by a squall (I was in bed being thrown around keeping half an ear open for shouts of "Man over board!" but luckily none came!)  The rest of the evening was mainly spent on weather watch as there was little traffic to look out for 50 miles off the coast of Morocco.  I was on the 11pm to 5am shift with Paul until 3am, then Matt.  As the evening wore on the weather improved, the wind moved to our favour so we could switch off the engine, save some fuel and finally get some miles under our belt while we watched lightening over the coastline. The skies were clear a bright moon eventually set revealing spectacular sky of stars and bioluminescence. Very pleasant indeed!   So as we draw level with Casablanca this morning we have a lovely sunny day, we're trying our hand at fishing and I just spotted a turtle!