Prince Rupert Bay

Worthy Sailing Mojo
Paul Worthington
Fri 19 Jan 2024 12:56
15:34.57N 61:27.72W
We left Rousseau early at 8am under grey clouds and the
threat of rain for a leg of just five hours along to Prince Rupert Bay. The
trip was uneventful and the coastline pretty non descript with only a few
vessels moored up. As we existed Rosseau we saw not one but two cruise ships,
quite what all these passengers did ashore was a questions as when I had visited
downtown Rosseau to clear customs the day before there was nothing there.
As we travelled along the coastline we generally motor sailed as we were in
the wind shadow so the winds were variable at best with the odd light rain
showers. Prince Rupert Bay is a big natural harbour at the nothern end and as we
approached Alexis sped out to us to try and sell us some tours he journeys 2.5
miles out to greet us in his boat so was disappointed when we declined his river
tour but his eyes lit up when we said we needed a buoy so he sped off to fund us
one and sure enough was waiting for us when we arrived. He declared the price at
12 USD and whatever we wanted to add on for him.
All tied up we went ashore to explore and like Rousseau the shoreline
looked shabby and unkept a harp contrast to the French Island of Martinique and
is was clear to see the wealth disparity between the two islands. The silver
lining was that we did manage to find a very nice local restaurant after
trekking up the hill where we had a nice meal before returning back to the