Not worried about the fuel situation today!

Skye Blue sailing
Stephen and Malene
Mon 19 Jun 2023 22:16
Day 17,
we are now in the South Pacific where the trade winds
- judging from what the conditions here have been since dawn - are well
established! We have had 19-25 knots of wind all day and the swell that comes
with it. So flying along with three reefs in the main ad almost full headsail.
No diesel fumes in sight! Doing 6-7 knots, at times more. Skye Blue goes right
through the waves - a bit like a washing machine it is - but rather
that than motoring, worrying about not having enough fuel, getting baked in
the sun and doing 4 knots....
We are now under 2000 nautical miles to go. Stephen
still torments himself from time to time with counting the average speed and
number of days to go, but substantially happier now we are under 2000 to go and
doing more than 5 kts! ;D
All is well.
0:53.9074S 107:14.6430W