Midnignt in the Irish sea.

Shiraz Atlantic Voyage 2009
Tomas Bartosz
Sun 31 May 2009 00:17
48:55.546N 9:40.327W
Kalle has gon to bed now.
And it is my watch.
I always take the first watch since Kalle is a
morning guy.
I, I don´t care.
Morning or night doesn´t matter to me.
I´m fine sailing my boat and happy with that
whatever time it is. :-)
We just finished watching a film sitting in the
cockpit with the autopilot on.
Bad film I´m afraid, but hey, you cant have
everything can you?
Today, or should I say after lunch, has been a good
The course angle is totaly wrong but the day was
The sun has been shining from a clear blue sky all
day and the sunset was ubeliveble!
We were sitting talking about life just relaxing
and having a good time.
All of a sudden a pigeon came and sat down on the
boom an rested for a while. And the it took of again to where ever it were
Nice to have a visitor eventhou they are sleeping.
We also finished of the last stitches on the bimini
And the we rewarded ourselfs with some salty sticks
as you can see.
After the filme the wind increased so we rolled in
the genua for the night and now we are running on MIzzen reefed Main and
satysail and we are still makig good speed.
If it should start blowing alot you don´t want to
start reefing alone and to be safe and let the other watch sleep as much as
possible it is better to reef in good time for the night.
Tacking is also much easyer with only the satysail
in front.
It comes over by it self.
The genua you must help over to lea side if the
inner foresaty is attached as it is now.
Not any boats today. Right now I can see a little
light on my port side a couple of miles out but it doesn´t show on the radar so
I am not sure of what it can be?
Maby a small sailboat?
It is pitch black outside and you can see
a billion stars as you look up in to the sky.
It makes me speachless. No words can describe
And the moon is coming up behind me.
We´ll keep in tuch another time folks.
I just got to go outside again!
Good night to you all.