Monday again

Shiraz Atlantic Voyage 2009
Tomas Bartosz
Mon 25 May 2009 14:36
Hello .
Monday again and it is certanly a wounderful day
out here.
Clear blue skys and the dolphins are playing around
the boat and having fun.
It seemed that we sailed right throu their lunch
and even helped pushing the small fish in their direction.
Because all of a sudden the sea just exploded with
dolphins jumping high in the air andgoing around around in circles.
It is fun to watch. I would say that there was
around 30 of the this time !
We are tacking our way north now and right now the
course over ground is 340 degrees.
The wind is going to change later and then we´ll do
the same thing as last time outside the Azores.
Just follow the wind and the head more for Europe
and Ireland again.
The only real problem we have now is that it seems
one battery is broken and therefore discharge
the rest in it´s battery bank. (bank
number 1 it is).
We have been having trouble ever since we took of
from Florida and it has been harder and harder to recharge the batteries for
every day.
But now they run empty real fast I´m
Could be the electrical end on the genset too
But hey, no worries.
We are all good and cruising for home.
Please feel free towrite us aboard.
Now we are only two guys left and it is fun to get
Have a great day you all !
Tomas and Kalle