Update in English

Shiraz Atlantic Voyage 2009
Tomas Bartosz
Fri 15 May 2009 18:17
Good Afternoon to you all.
Here aboard were having a great time again since
the wind came back!
Last night the wind decended to a point where there
were no longer any sens having the sails up.
And at a quarter past ten last night we droped them
all and started the engine.
As I was standing on deck in the pitch black night
I looked overboard down into the water.
As I had one of those laps you strap to you
forehead the light beam followed my eyes.
And there was this big "something " starring back
up at me.
A BIG red eye rerflecting the light!
I almost jumped at the sight because it was a
litlle bit scary to be honest. haha
The rest of the night we ran by engine and there
was no wind at all.
Right now we are going headwind around 6,5 knots.
Board down.
She´s preformimng quite well as she hits the
Comfortable and steady she goes.
We are some 580 NM away from Horta and heading
north right now.
HAve a nice afternoon you all and talk to you
tomorrow. :-)