
Seascapes Travel Log
Michael Grew
Sat 12 Jun 2010 14:13
Cycled down to Halte Fluviale and persuaded the capitainaire to sort out Maureen’s French mobile number and to then ring Pont du Veaux marina and see if they would have an over winter mooring for the boat. They had and at a very reasonable cost (much much cheaper than in the UK). So that is where we will make our final destination, this year. Had a pizza in the local bar then cycled over to St.Mammes and extended our inland waterways permit at the VNF office. It never ceases to amaze me that whenever you deal with any French official and hand them the necessary paperwork they look at the form as though they had never seen one before ! This official was a 5ft, 20 stone, late 50’s, bleached blonde haired woman wearing a thigh high hemline and plunge neckline. Maureen’s only comment afterwards was “ Humph, mutton dressed as lamb” Cycled back to the boat. The weather today has been overcast and very muggy (thundery)
11/06/2010 Rousseau’s Boatyard, Moret-sur-Loing.
Beautiful day, very hot, cycled up to the local tourist office and booked a night in a bed and breakfast place for the Sunday night (Maureen’s birthday) at Maison du Caroline, Veneux les Sablons. ( about a twenty minute bike ride all up hill as we later found out) then cycled up to the railway station and caught the train to Montereau. (the site where Napoleon fought his last battle). A lovely old town that straddles the junction between the River Seine and the River Yvonne. On the bridge is a large statue of the man himself on horseback pointing away to his right. Very close to him is signpost with several routes pointing in the opposite direction (had to have a photo of that!). Tried to follow a walking trail around some of the old parts of the town, got lost, very hot so we had a beer in a local bar. Caught the train back to Moret-sur-Loing unlocked the bikes and cycled up (and UP) to the bed and breakfast place and were shown round. Typically French, best described as old ,shabby chic ,but clean and would be fine for us water gypsies (Just DON’T call us Pikies). Cycled back to boat to find ,wonder upon wonders they had refitted the gearbox, Brilliant except they had left the oil cooler off and kept it in the workshop. Being Friday they had all packed up work early and gone home before we got back to the boat. I think they thought if they completed the work I would disappear over the weekend without paying them. Still it means we can resume our travels on Monday…. Watch this space..