St Lucia
Peter Ablett
Fri 13 Apr 2012 15:38
We had a cracking sail down from Martinique to St Lucia, averaged about 8 knots with a nice beam reach and very little swell. As we came in to Rodney Bay there was Beyzano at anchor whilst Rob went in to arrange his marina berth. It was great to see him and Mikaela again.
It feels almost like coming home. Rodney Bay is where we ended the ARC on December 10 th last year, and I haven't been back here for 4 months. It seems very quiet after the huge ARC crowds, but there are still enough people to make it fun. I've already bumped into two other boats we know; one a nice American couple on Gumption, and more dangerously the Norwegian boat Chill Out 2 who led people astray in Las Palmas.
Last night Rob and Mikaela came over for a bit to eat, and tonight we are all going to the Jump Up at Gros Islet. And as long as we don't have too late a night we are off early tomorrow to Bequia.