Sao Martinho to Peniche 23/8/11

Peter Ablett
Fri 26 Aug 2011 07:34

Position 23/8/11.  39:21.13N  9:22.6W


We are actually now (25/8) in Cascais with wifi, and I’m catching up on the last few days blogs.


We had a great days sail down from Sao Martinho to Peniche. 10 to 15 knots of wind from the NNE, with full main and jib. We could have had the Naughty Sail up, but its only a few hours sail and it was quietly resting in the Immigrant Locker and didn’t want to disturb it.


So instead we tested the Duogen in the water. That’s the bit of kit which generates electricity from the wind with a big fan when in air mode, and when fitted with a propeller it can be put in the water as we sail along. Modern yachts use a lot of electricity, with the navigation instruments, autopilot, radio, radar, lights etc. Whilst this is not a problem for day sails or when the engine is running, it is a significant issue for longer periods. I’m pleased to say that the Duogen behaved itself in the wake at up to 6 knots, and we’ll see how it does at higher speeds. Now all it needs is a name – all equipment on a boat needs a name, mainly to confuse newcomers, eg the drogue is called Katie (designed by an American called Jordan and features bra shaped drogues). All suggestions gratefully received.