Swimming in 5,700m of water
Peter Ablett
Thu 8 Dec 2011 14:09
15:20.2N 55:31.5W
Position at 1200 UT on 8/12/11
We’ve just returned from swimming, the water is lovely and warm and only
5,700m deep. The nearest land is 315nm away. The wind dropped yesterday and so
we have been motoring for the last 24 hrs. There is no swell so ideal for a
Last night we had a delicious fish pie, mainly made by Pete but with advice
from fishing expert Larry. We had caught a fine 6.5lb tuna earlier, so some of
that went in with dorado from the freezer.
It still looks likely we will be in by Saturday evening – there's now a
certain amount of excitement building up and anticipation of the first rum punch
(first alcohol for 3 weeks). At Pete Bernfelds suggestion we will be asking
Fiona to judge the competition on “how many before
spikkin totaal gibberish
mon” |