Maintenance day yesterday

Peter Ablett
Sun 27 Nov 2011 11:40
So the generator decided it was a bit tired and didnt want to play. Luckily we have 2 engines, solar, and two engineers on board; so fuel lines were sucked and blown, filters stripped. We’re not sure how, but its working again now.
Next was the guest loo which decided it would export but not import, so one of the guests (who apparently is known for his love of said contraptions) did the deed – for which we are all eternally grateful.
Got your text Popsy, thanks very much.
I hear the system didnt pick up our position correctly yesterday. If in doubt go to the world cruising website and see the “Yellow Brick” tracker.
Today is lovely weather and winds, and we have finally set a direct “Great Circle” route for St Lucia, having been heading more south to pick up the wind. We are currently doing very nicely at over 6 kts towards the rum.