Slow night but fast morning

Peter Ablett
Mon 5 Dec 2011 13:24
16:42.1N 48:26.7W
Position at 1000 5/12/11
We put our clocks back another hour yesterday, so had a 25 hr day. We will
do another 2 hours by the time we arrive to match up with St Lucia time. Its
strange how travelling West and South slowly the time difference becomes
apparent, as we go on watch at 0600 it remained dark for an hour and a half
whereas when we started it was light.
Last night we had little wind but some swell, so the sails and boom were
banging around keeping everyone awake, but in the early hours the wind picked up
and we are making good progress now. I was lucky to get the squalls on my watch,
so got a tad wet – but at least its warm rain!
Will saw dolphins in the night, and we’ve already had one fish today albeit
too small so it went back. |