Departing UK today
Peter Ablett
Fri 29 Jul 2011 06:47
After nearly a decade of dreaming, years of planning, months of working, and several weeks of frantic activity I am off sailing. Early afternoon today we will slip the lines and head for a crossing of Biscay.
Onboard is my old friend Larry, who has been marvellous over the last few days helping to get the boat ready. The sight of someone else with a drill in his hand about to attack your boat is only something you would allow to a real friend. Also onboard is new friend Jayne. We collected her from the station yesterday and drove immediately to Morrisons for provisioning - and she did not complain once!
The weather forecast is good, it's mainly light winds coming from the North. As we will be heading South West that means we won't have it on the nose! We may do a lot of motoring, but I'd much rather have that than any sort of strong wind, especially from the SW.