Day 2

David and Annette Ridout
Fri 24 Apr 2009 17:14
Day 2. Another
23:47N 62:20W
1200hrs 24th April
At 0930hrs Nordlys crossed the Tropic of
Cancer. We have left the tropics, will she ever return? Basically
the night was alright, as well as life on board a small yacht going to windward
is alright, until 0230hrs when we entered a period of heavy rain and rapidly
changing wind direction. This lasted for two hours and as dawn made its
first appearance in the eastern sky we had a period of calm followed by a return
of the regular ENE 15 knots. Since then we have been tramping along laying
just to the east of Bermuda but only just and no more east of true
Annette took a picture of the tropic crossing but
with the boat at an angle and much bouncing around I am not feeling like sorting
pictures out and it will have to wait. Half an hour ago our first ship
hove into sight off to port. It looks like a big tanker going very slowly
and crossing us. Probably bound from Panama to northern Europe. He
cannot be doing more than a knot faster than us.
So all well, ship and crew healthy, if perhaps a
little dirty. 529 miles to Bermuda which will probably be our destination
but watch this space.
David and Annette