To Block Island
Wed 4 Sep 2013 20:27
A leisurely start from Newport to motor the 12.8nm to Port Judith, Harbour of Refuge, ready for the trip to Block Island. We dropped anchor ensuring we missed the dangerous, submerged vessel. Typically, we were woken up at 05.00hrs with thunder and lightning and winds gusting 30 knots. Back to bed and we eventually departed at 11.00hrs in fog. We only managed the odd half hour of sailing in light SE winds. Safely past the green buoy at the south of Block Island and into the large anchorage and another thunderstorm approaching. In fact over the next 2 days, we kept dodging a considerable number of thunderstorms. Before Caduceus left us the following day, we all spent time ashore and took a glorious walk and of course we found the odd watering hole. |