BVI's - Virgin Gorda -Saba Rock with the 6th richest man in the world and Leverick Bay with Otra Vida

We had been advised that Gorda Sound on Virgin Gorda is “a must”. As most of the islands in the Virgin Islands are within eyesight of each other, it didn’t take long to reach the northern end of this 10 mile long island. At the entrance of the Sound, we spotted Necker Island (owned by Richard Branson) in the distance. Entering the Sound required passing closely to a reef, but after that, an easy entrance. We immediately saw the beauty of the Sound and also it’s exclusivity! We chose an un-crowded anchorage and waited to Otra Vida to join us. Virgin Gorda was a great place to snorkel the reefs and this was one of the first chances we were able to don our mask and fins. I was still a bit nervous about snorkelling from a dinghy, rather than the shore, but it didn’t too long before we saw some colourful fish and coral. The next difficulty is hauling yourself back into the dinghy; elephant and whale spring to mind!!
Necker Island
(owned by Richard Branson)
Passing close by to the reef at the entrance (it looks a bit like a grey road) and below what it looked like once through! We particularly enjoyed visiting Saba Rock, which is a tiny island next to Bitter End on Virgin Gorda. It is an amazing resort for such a limited space. It includes a marina, gardens, a hotel, restaurant, gift shop and a beach! We visited it on more than one occasion for the great Painkiller rum punch they served at Happy Hour. One one occasion whilst at Saba Rock, the 6th richest man in the world Lakshmi Narayan Mittal arrived in his launch from his Superyacht anchored in the Sound and it was only Martin off Otra Vida who recognised him.
Saba Rock
View from the Saba Rock restaurant Lakshmi Narayan Mittal (born 15 June 1950) is an Indian steel magnate. He is the chairman and chief executive officer of Arcelor Mittal, the world’s largest steelmaking company. Mittal is the richest man in the United Kingdom, second richest man in Europe and is presently the sixth richest individual in the world with a personal wealth of US$38.1 billion or £29.8 billion. In the 2011 edition of Forbes Billionaire list, he was ranked the world's 6th wealthiest man.
I’m sure the paparazzi could do better, but here is Mital arriving in his launch at Saba Rock, coming out with his family for something to eat at the restaurant; quite normal!
Looking out over the Sound Another view over the Sound Part of the exclusive Bitter End resort in Gorda Sound Our final destination in the Sound was Leverick Bay, as we needed to pick up fuel and water. The price included a mooring ball for the night, so we naturally made use of it. We wnet ashore in the evening with Otra Vida and thought we would be entertained by the infamous Michael Bean. All that I can say is that my Michael was not amused by the entertainment, which included Conch blowing and other similar contests (which is mainly for the children and families).
Leverick Bay on Virgin Gorda Sound
Michael Bean, the infamous entertainer?
Martin donating a few dollars to the fund!
Sunset over the Sound |