Last sail of the season and lift out at Herrington Harbour North - 8 - 31 Aug 2011

Wed 31 Aug 2011 20:40
The return journey back across The Chesapeake to Herrington Harbour was somewhat tedious. By now, Nimue had no antifoul and all sorts of growth on her hull made her extremely slow through the water. She was ready to be hauled and have some well deserved ‘TLC’. The hot weather was now beginning to take it’s toll on us both, so we
too were quite ready for Nimue to be hauled out of the water and fly back to the UK for some cooler weather. We had been forewarned about being in the Chesapeake in July and August, but we were advised that this summer, was hotter than usual!  Nothing unusual in that statement, as where ever we seem to go, we hear the same old story about the weather being unseasonal for the time of year!
Ospreys ready to fly from their nest, a wonderful reminder of sailing in the Chesapeake. But also the r
idiculously hot temperatures!
Nimue ready to be hauled out.  No ‘hard’ hats here and the guys just used poles to guide Nimue into the lifting dock
Nimue’s dirty bottom, so the lads gave her a really good power wash
Nimue in the travel lift being taken to her spot in the yard, just a few boats away from Scott Free
Anne polishing the topsides away from the sun!  The bald patches show the areas with no antifoul, so not much sanding to do here!
Scott Free was also in Herrington North, just a few boats away from Nimue, so we were able to take it in turns for well-earned coffee breaks.  Chris and I managed to escape from cleaning duties at the week-end and took advantage of the free Trolley Bus from the marina.  It took 3 changes and an hour and a half to the nearest supermarket and some retail therapy, but we enjoyed the ride and the scenery en-route.  Mind you it poured with rain as we lugged our shopping bags back on for the return journey.
One of the Trolley buses, we caught from the Marina.  Unfortunately, they only ran Friday to Sunday from end of May (Memorial Day) to the end of August (Labour Day)
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During our stay in Herrrington, we got to know a few of the locals and on one occasion we were invited to a free ‘all you can eat BBQ by the poolside’ by Anita & Chris (pictured in the foreground in both pictures).  The fare was excellent (inc. drinks), but the prawns with Old Bay seasoning were especially delicious.