Up the East River to Port Washington, Long Island - 13th July 2011

Wed 13 Jul 2011 16:18
We both had great FUN in Manhattan, but it was time to move on to our next anchorage in Port Washington, Long Island! Even as we left the 79th St. anchorage and made way out of the Hudson River, around The Battery and into the East River, we could hardly take our eyes off the impressive Manhattan skyline and it looks even better from the water!
Leaving the 79th St. anchorage                                                            Just love the skyline!
On our way down the Hudson River we caught a glimpse of the new buildings on the World Trade Centre site and one of the many ferry docks
Coming up to The Battery, the US Coast Guard keeps sharp look-out (note the machine gun!) and one of the many helicopters we saw flying above us.
Our 25 nm trip round to Port Washington on Long Island required careful planning so we didn’t get caught in strong adverse tides. We carefully planned our arrival at The Battery to coincide with slack water, which would give us a favourable current all the way up up the East River and into Long Island Sound.
Everything went according to plan and after negotiating the mighty Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges, we started to gather up speed around the United Nations building, past Riker Island and by the time we reached Hells Gate Bridge, we were speeding over the ground at about 9.2 knots! We were finally spat out at Throgs Neck bridge into Long Island Sound and made our way towards Port Washington. 
256px-Wpdms_terra_east_river[1] map-of-long-island[2]
On the satellite photo,the East River is shown in red, the Hudson to the left and The Battery is on the point between the two,
right on the tip on Manhattan.
Long Island is the island located in the southeast part of New York state, just east of Manhattan.
The famous Brooklyn Bridge
The Manhattan Bridge
This iconic sign located on Long Island on our way down the East River
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The United Nations Building under restoration and Nimue heading towards another bridge on Riker Island
As we passed La Guardia airport, as a plane was about to land
A view of the Empire State Building as we passed through Throgs Neck Bridge and
we left the huge port hand marker to starboard as we made to way to Port Washington
We successfully tied up to one of the ‘free’ mooring balls (the American’s call them balls on buoys!) in Port Washington harbour and within minutes we heard a knock on the boat.  It was Kevin from Amacora who we had previously met in Deltaville.  His wife, Jean, had flown back to the UK for a few weeks, so he was happy to see some friendly faces and of course we made sure he was well nourished!  A couple of days later we were re-joined by Scott Free, who had sailed up from Washington DC.