16th Dec 2012 - 8th Jan 2013 Christmas & New Year in Charleston Part 2

Fri 4 Jan 2013 18:06
I think 2012 was the most unusual Christmas Eve yet!  Emmett knew of some hidden forts, which Dave naturally wanted to see.  This involved a speed boat ride along part of the ICW to a remote river location.
The first fort is only usually accessed from land, but after Emmett nudged the bow of the speed boat onto the mud, Dave and Mecca went ashore to explore.  The second of the two forts, meant negotiating the boat up a shallow, snaking inlet, where long reeds were growing on  either side of the banks.  Again, a spot was found, but this time when Dave and Mecca jumped off the boat, they were immediately knee deep in mud and sinking!  The next half hour was completely hilarious as the two of them tried to pull themselves out and move further in, whilst Emmett was calling out for them to “use the reeds”.  The mission was finally aborted and both ‘caked in mud’, they eventually got back onto the boat.  As it happened the fort was just a mound of mud, which I couldn’t really see, but it meant something to Dave.  Anyway a fun day out and one we’ll both never forget!
A stop along the ICW to view an old planation site – white building in mid-centre)
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Dave & Mecca after exploring the site of the first fort and stuck in the mud at the second!
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Apparently, the site of the second fort is somewhere in these woods and Dave was happy to have made the attempt to see it!
We were both invited to spend Christmas Day with all of Emmett & Mecca’s family at a beach house overlooking the Atlantic on Folly Beach.  I offered to roast some potatoes and take one of Waitrose’s best Christmas puddings, which I had brought from the UK!   In all there were 17 of us for Christmas day and ‘Southern style’ dinner was excellent  It was also a great opportunity to meet Emmett & Mecca’s delightful family and we did so enjoy spending time with everyone, it really did make our Christmas special.  Another party on Boxing Day at the Folly Beach house and the following day we helped take down and pack all the wonderful decorations that had been transported over from Emmett & Mecca’s house.
The Folly Beach house overlooking the Atlantic
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Christmas at Folly Beach house with ‘The Johnsons’
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Folly Beach and the Atlantic Ocean
The day after Boxing Day we accompanied Mecca and Dave on an historic tour of downtown Charleston by a horse driven cart.  The narrator gave every minutia of detail about the landmarks and various houses, as we slowly trotted through the streets. The most interesting location was the site of a civil war submarine, which had dried out and when the land was reclaimed, it was literally just covered over.  Apparently, if they tried to excavate it now, it would collapse!
The horse and one of the residents who came out to show us a picture of the submarine during the land reclamation!
A nice guy who we met at the Charleston Yacht Club arranged for us to use a marina berth at the City Marina for a couple of nights whilst Michael replaced the hot water cylinder (heat exchanger).  The old one had been leaking, so we managed to source a new one which we had delivered to Emmett’s house.  The slip at the marine was tricky to get into and with only 0.1m under the keel at LW, we were only inches from the shored.
Nimue in the slip at Charleston City Marine with the falling tide, so we were literally inches from the bank at low water
We both had a terrific time in Charleston and many, many thanks to Emmett & Mecca and all the Family for making it such a special Christmas for us both.